Hello, I'm
Jessica Donnan

I’m currently a student studying Interaction Design at Ulster University, in Belfast. I am incredibly passionate about design, and I am always looking for new ways to be creative and improve my work. My creative outlet is what drives me most in life.

Travel App

The travel app project was one of my favourites of our first year. I chose to create an app that allowed users to keep track of the places they've travelled, as well as keep up with what their friends are up to. The app was titled 'Journey', with the slogan, 'travel together'.

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For this project, I created an infrographic titled, 'Stop Violence Against Women'. Harassment and violence towards women is a very important subject, and is a massive global issue. I was able to use this project to produce many graphs and charts based around the subject, to evoke interest in order to raise awareness.

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The following are illustrations I produced for my travel app project. I was very pleased with how they turned out. I love their clean, sleek and minimal appearance and aesthetic. Making these illustrations has shown me what I am capabable of as a designer, and how, when put to the challenge, I can create things that I doubted I ever could.